Thursday, July 4, 2013

Morning Naps

K has become obsessed with taking naps, of course she never actually sleeps, and they don't last more than a few minutes. This morning she decided to take one of her naps. "I'm taking a cheetah nap, and if anyone disturbs me I'm gonna go untame on them!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Say What?

Ya'll may be thinking "Faster than a lightning bug in a garage race," where did you come up with that? Well, truth be told, I didn't. My five year old daughter did. She has always had some of the most interesting things to say, and when she came up with this one, I just knew I had to share from here on out. There we were, K was practicing her roller-skating, when out of nowhere she exclaims, "If I could find my Dora bicycle, I would ride it past here faster than a lightning bug in a garage race!" Cue guffaws! I just had to ask, "K, where did you come up with that." Her response, with hands on her hips, "What? It's a saying!" Thus, the blog is born.